Simo Virokannas

Writings and ramblings



CARL 1.1 is NOW out!

User Guide | Sample clips and songs

CARL is a complete retro analog synthesizer sequencer app!

Check out some of the amazing features above:


A complete sequencer!

  • Unlimited tracks
  • Piano roll editor for sequences
  • Copy / Paste / Duplicate
  • Tempo
  • Quantization controls
  • Track mute / solo

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Piano roll editor

  • Tracker editor!
  • Old school style tracker note entry and editing
  • Flexible resolution, non-destructive on-the-fly changes
  • Compatible with the sequence editor – auto-sync views
  • Arpeggio support without having to use 0xx effects

Screen Shot 2016-04-17 at 4.56.49 PMTracker editor

A complete analog-style synthesizer!carlsynth

  • Sin / Tri / Sqr / Saw / Noise / SPS* waveforms
  • Attack / Release
    Polyphony / Monophonic arp wavetable
  • Unison / Drum / FM modes
  • Three routing options (add / mult / mult+add)
  • Parametric vibrato
  • Balance / Volume controls
  • Preset save / load / export / import

* SPS, Starfield Parallax Synthesizer, is a sound produced by a shifting waveform that’s generated by a moving parallax star field.

…and more!

  • Input / output support!
  • MIDI live play / record
  • Keyboard play / record
  • Export song to .wav

Go to the product home page

Any questions, bug reports, etc can be posted below as comments.